Mass and Preaching
St. Pius X Church, Tucson, AZ 1800 N Camino Pio Decimo, Tucson, AZ, United StatesI will also preside and preach at the 7pm mass that evening.
Paul: The Jewish Christ Mystic, Session 6
This course on the Pauline corpus and a large part of Acts of the Apostles will meet live on Zoom throughout October and November. Recordings of all sessions will be posted to YouTube where they can be viewed at your […]
Guest Appearance on Tamera Richardson’s “Seeking Heaven” Podcast
I'm invited to speak about the work my prayer partners and I do to assist souls who died traumatically. The show will be posted to my YouTube channel ASAP.
Mass and Preaching
St. Thomas More Newman Center 1615 E 2nd Street, Tucson, AZ, United StatesGuest Appearance on Tamera Richardson’s “Seeking Heaven” Podcast
To discuss the work my prayer partners and I do helping souls who died traumatic deaths. This show will be posted to my YouTube channel ASAP.
Paul: The Jewish Christ Mystic, Session 7
This course on the Pauline corpus and a large part of Acts of the Apostles will meet live on Zoom throughout October and November. Recordings of all sessions will be posted to YouTube where they can be viewed at your […]
Paul: The Jewish Christ Mystic, Session 8
This course on the Pauline corpus and a large part of Acts of the Apostles will meet live on Zoom throughout October and November. Recordings of all sessions will be posted to YouTube where they can be viewed at your […]
Book Launch Event for Afterlife, Interrupted Book Two
Our Lady Of Guadalupe Monastery, Phoenix Phoenix, AZ, United StatesThis event will be patterned after the one we did to launch the earlier book. The new book was published in November, 2020, during the pandemic, making a physical gathering impossible. We'll celebrate the monastery mass at 10:15am, share some […]
Paul: The Jewish Christ Mystic, Session 9
This course on the Pauline corpus and a large part of Acts of the Apostles will meet live on Zoom throughout October and November. Recordings of all sessions will be posted to YouTube where they can be viewed at your […]